Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Philadelphia Schools Partner with the Community College of Philadelphia to Aid High School Dropouts

Dropout rates across the country have been on the rise over the past decade. In school year 2004-2005, an estimated 5,550 students dropped out of the Philadelphia schools. This is the highest dropout rate in the state, about three times higher than the state average.

To assist these Philadelphia schools dropouts and offer them an opportunity for a better life, the Philadelphia schools have partnered with the Community College of Philadelphia, the largest degree-granting institution in the city with over 38,000 students enrolled annually.

According to a report by the American Youth Policy Forum, 75 percent of the inmates housed at our state prisons are dropouts, and 59 percent of the federal prison population are dropouts. Though the Philadelphia schools already have programs in place to aid students currently in school, they knew that more had to be done to aid those who had already dropped out.

Part of the Gateway to College Program, the Philadelphia schools dropouts begin school in the fall of 2006. The program offers dropouts the chance to simultaneously work toward a diploma and associates college degree or certificate.

The college expects to enroll 360 Philadelphia schools dropouts over the next three years. The dropouts must be between the ages of 16 and 20, with at least an eighth grade reading level. They can attend day, evening and weekend classes at the college, with their first semester in small learning groups of 20 students. Classes include the basics of reading, writing and math, as well as a college survival course to help them be successful in their future college courses and a two-hour academic lab each week.

Dedicated academic coordinators act as advisors, mentors and coaches for the Philadelphia schools dropouts. They also assist with student needs issues, such as course selection, time management, and study habits. After the first semester, the Philadelphia schools dropouts take classes with the colleges general student population.

The Gateway to College Program was developed by the Portland Community College and funded by the Bill

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Beatrix Blog25795
Anabal Blog57538

Lady's Chemise: A Trendy Sleepwear And Every Day's Wear Too

Before, chemise was perceived as the loose hanging straight cut piece of clothing. The classic style is made up of cotton and looks dreadfully plain and homely.

Today's chemises however, are presented already in satin and the rest of the rainbow's colors. These styles are in fashion today since they jive well into the lingerie fashions, a number of reasons go along with this, they are great to cover your goods, and fine enough even while with the kids, you can walk off to the mailbox, open the door for the visitor, and is very comfortable.

The chemise picture of conventional lingerie is scrub out by its modern design; instead, this was transformed as an elegant and beautiful piece of sleepwear. This chemise is pretty to use in sleep, especially for ladies. It does not wrap up the legs, neither heap in awfully uncomfortable areas like neck and arms. Ladies know these things.

Moreover, there is the modern chemise now which comes in stretch lace and satin, depicting a short sleeveless night gown, but normally now, this goes with a match of g-string or thong, changing ladies' usual loose-fitting pajamas to a sexy dress. Chemise can come in a cotton gown or a hot summer night, or a stifling silk instead.

With this, the chemise design scrub out the pajamas a little bit in ladies sleepwear trend. They just go in top and bottom pairs, and they do not seem as a sexy sleeping wear.

This is chemise designed to fit one sole purpose, to spicen up the bedroom. So, for the ladies who are looking honeymoon lingerie, you can choose between the Hanky Panky Point d'Esprit chemise and a cotton honeymoon chemise.

The Hanky Panky Point d'Espritis is a chemise which was designed to inflame honeymoon "hanky-panky," this comes in a confection of cream-and-black and is tattered with velvet ribbons, ruffles, bows, and laces.

Meanwhile, the cotton honeymoon chemise, is suggested of you don't want anything but cotton to be felt by your skin, the textile has a flower-patterned design with the bow on the dcolletage which can be sexily opened.

But you would not dare to be dressed in one of these in front of the kids anymore.

The expansion of chemises designs and uses had gone to quite a long distance from the classic chemise style.

From bedroom this evolved again-to everyday wardrobe. The ultimate of everyday chemises belongs to the confident divas. These chemises appear with mesh faultless under wire bras, push up bras, a g-string or a sexy panty instead, and this comes only with a price that ranges from $25 to $35.

So, if you got a job that obliges a conservative dress for everyday, then you may try using this one. This will make you feel sexy in a conformist dress.

But of you think you are overweight and it won't look good in you, you are wrong, the chemise today being sold in the market adjusts the size of the chemises all the way up to 6X, and would fit to someone who wears her confidence proudly.

Feeling sexy is what you all need to indeed be sexy, but wearing a chemise can help a whole lot. Check out the great number of chemise available in the market today and see how much it will change the way you look at yourself.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and Blog24055
Carrissa Blog97830

Designing a Superstar Team

We've all been part of teams in one form or another. You've probably had "team" experiences since you were very young, whether on a sports-field, the debate team , with a Girl or Boy Scout troupe, or with some volunteer organization. You most likely enjoyed study or project groups in college. In your professional life, you quickly learned that despite your best solo efforts to change the world-or at least your industry-doing the best job and building a successful business meant surrounding yourself with the best individuals.

You might consider it a given that as a business owner or entrepreneur you want to surround yourself with the ideal team. On the other hand, you may be a solo entrepreneur who considers your helpers-accountant, webmaster, etc.-to be merely a part of the peripheral landscape. Either way, intentionally communicating your purpose, aligning your team around it, and communicating your expectations and your passion, can help you attract the people who want to go there with you. Before you can do that, though, you have be able to define what makes not just a teambut a Super Star Team.

First of all, a group is not necessarily a team, especially in today's virtual world, where people with varied skills are dispersed and may be asked to collaborate from around the globe. Second, teams rarely come together simply for the sake of being a team; they come together united for a common purposeone built on shared objectives. Super Star teams are comprised of incredibly bright and talented people who already have individual track records of success. They come together with their collective talents to achieve new, fresh and exciting thingsto achieve Super Star objectives. The team creates a competitive advantage and works together to achieve superior levels of performance.

Before you conclude that this team building process sounds like a walk in the park with everyone stepping in sync, think again. By its very nature, the dynamics of working with a group of brilliant, talented, focused people will stretch every member and require them to tread on uncharted territory. But what an exciting trek! In such an environment, the work remains challenging and new.

How do you build a Super Star Team? Ask yourself these questions:

1. Who is on your team?

It is important to realize and appreciate that beyond the people you hire and the partners with whom you interact-people who are actively engaged in maintaining and growing your business on a daily basis-your team is really anyone who is supportive of your accomplishments. Don't overlook the sphere of influence that your family and friends are part of. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to monitor who provides positive support and who extends negative expectations. Surround yourself with people who know you are shooting for the moon and who wholeheartedly support and reflect your core values.

2. Where are you going and does your team know the itinerary?

You probably realize the importance of keeping your employees and your executive team up to speed on your vision. But what about your family, friends, or the other people whose influence you feel most in your daily life? Have you clearly articulated to them where you are going and how you plan to get there? If you don't share your business plan and your passion with the people who are closest to you, how will they know how to best support you? Don't assume that comments you make in passing will drive home the gravity of your message. Be specific. Sharing your vision can create a dynamic whereby your core values become more clearly defined in the give and take of conversation. Make specific time with people to discuss where you are going and how they can help you get there. Express your passion respectfully and individually with the people who matter most to you, and it will spread like wildfire.

3. What qualities are most important in your team members?

Integrity? Passion? Tenacity? Knowing the qualities you value most is only the half of the equation. It's also up to you to create the environments that allow and, in fact, challenge your team to grow and nurture those qualities. Creating such a platform will also encourage people to admit when they fall short, take constructive criticism, and make adjustments in their performance because they are working within a supportive network of well defined boundaries.

4. Are you tolerating people who don't embody your key values or qualities? If so, why?

Are you afraid of conflict? Do you like to play the martyr? Do you want everyone to like you? Are you afraid of being "wrong"? While any one or all of these may be true at different times, the key to addressing this question goes back to defining and adhering to your must-haves, your core values. When you begin each day with a commitment to them, you won't have time or energy to waste on anyone or anything that does not remain in alignment with what matters most to you and your business.

Essentially, to build a Super Star Team, you must first be a Super Star yourself. There are several keys to being the kind of leader that attracts the best of the best.

1. Think big! Visionary thinkers create visionary businesses.

2. Think fast! Stay on your toes and expect the same from others. A Harvard degree doesn't necessarily equate to best and brightest. Whether a potential team member is book smart or street smart, be sure the person is a quick study with the intellectual and emotional capacity to navigate your growing business.

3. Think now! Change is good. Be cutting edge and ride the tides and you'll attract people who feel empowered by that kind of exciting energy.

4. Think fun! When you are having fun and doing what you love, quality people with similar values will find you and your business attractive. Once you have a Super Star Team in place, fun is one of the things that will keep them there.

A Super Star Team evolves out of the synergistic energy that you put in motion. It begins and grows from being absolutely intentional about your values and your vision. When you have those two things defined, you'll find yourself working with people who constantly inspire and challenge youand not by accident. You will have created a purposeful dynamic in which you and the people who matter most in your life will accomplish great things and touch many lives.

Copyright (c) 2007 Bea Fields and Corey Blake

Bea Fields and Corey Blake with Eva Silva are the co-authors of Edge!:A Leadership Story ( Fields is an Executive Coach and the President of Five Star Leader Coaching and Training. Blake is an author, screenplay writer and the President of Writers of the Round Table Inc. (Http:// Blog32405
Caitlin Blog19590

An Insight Into Online Bachelor Degree Programs

If you are an undergraduate and working, you can improve your career and living by pursuing an online bachelor degree course. It may not be possible for you to go for study for a college degree, but you can do an online one without disturbing your present schedule of work and staying where you are now. What you need is a computer and an internet connection at your home. Wherever you are in any corner of the United States you can pursue an online bachelor degree course.

An online bachelor degree is also affordable. Studying in a college online for a degree may cost you in average $12,000 a year, but an online program will cost much less. Costs vary between colleges. Before you opt for any course and college, it is very important that you must do a little research about the cost and the programs. Also, by choosing an online program from an institution in your home state, you can save a great deal of money. For example, an online degree from Florida Gulf Coast University has tuition costs of only $12,410 if you are a Florida resident and for non-residents, the fee more than triples to $45,902. Some employers also provide tuition assistance to their employees. So before choosing an education online program, check with your employer and find out if they provide tuition assistance. If the degree you select is work-related, chances are good that your employer will provide at least part of the costs.

Some affordable bachelor degree online programs are Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from East Carolina University, Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from Fort Hays State University, Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from the University of Wyoming, Bachelor of Science in Communications by University of Phoenix, Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management - Liberal Studies by Ashford University, B.S. in Communication by Kaplan University, BA-English/Professional Writing by Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Arts in Communication by Regent University and BS in Communication by Drexel University.

Besides, there are hundreds of colleges and universities providing bachelor degree online in Accounting, Applied Management, Business Administration, Business Communications, Business Information Systems, Business Leadership, eBusiness and eCommerce, Economics, Finance, Hotel and Hospitality Management, Human Resources, International Business, Management, Marketing, Organizational Management, Project Management, Real Estate and Small Business Management.

If you are interested in computer education, there are colleges and universities offering bachelor degree online in Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Security, Databases, Graphics and Multimedia, Information Systems, Information Technology, Internet Networks, Programming, Software Engineering, Technology Management, Telecommunications, Web Design and Web Development. Walden University, University of Phoenix, Saint Leo University, National American University, DeVry University, Ashford University, Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology Colorado Technical University Online, Columbia Southern University, Capella University , American InterContinental, University Online University of Maryland University College / UMUC Online, Strayer University, Regis University, Drexel University and Western Governors University are providing these bachelor degree courses.

Before you go for any of the course in any of the online universities, check the credibility and validity of the program. There are frauds moving around so beware of them.

Manu Geol is a senior editor at You can read more articles from him on the KeyDegree website. Find the "Key" to earning your Degree now, and unlock you future!Celeste Blog91039
Cassandra Blog76912

Starting a New Business? Get Easy Loan, Forget Financial Worry

The root is the most important factor for any business to flourish. If you are planning to start a business of your own, first make the root stronger by having a strong financial ground. New business loans will help your business attain heights. When you are starting a new business, this loan will help you solve most of the financial problems that arise while setting up an enterprise.

New business loans can be used for various business related purposes like buying machines and equipments, vehicles, and other resources that are essential to startup a new business.

Before taking any step forward you should first of all prepare a business proposal in order to apply for a business loan. This requires a lot of research and estimations. It should bring out a clear idea about how much money you will need, how much money you hope to make, what competition you will face. It should also give details about what equipments and training you will need and other information depending on the requirements. With these details, lenders will get to know the feasibility of your business and whether it is sustainable or not. You should always keep in mind that a well prepared business proposal increases the chances of getting a business loan.

Finding a new business loan is not a tough task. With coming up of more and more online lenders, internet provides you with the fastest and the simplest procedure to avail new business loans. All you need is to just click on the mouse button and you can access various websites offering new business loans. At the time of filling the application form, lenders will ask you for certain information about your personal credit history and business plan.

New business loans are offered in both secured and unsecured forms. With a secured new business loan, you are required to put a security against the loan. Security can be anything such as your home, car or a kind of valuable property. Since the presence of security covers the risk of lending money, thus you can avail these loans at a lower interest rate. On the side, unsecured loans do not ask for any security, but the interest rate is charged comparatively a bit higher.

You need not worry about your credit score if you are seeking for new business loans. If you have a bad credit, look for lenders providing business loans for borrowers having bad credit. You will get cheap loan with low interest and easy repayments which will satisfy your financial situations.

With all its advantages, business loans can help you make your dream come true. Now you can start a new business of your own without any financial crisis.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed his LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. He is currently working with BadDebtBusinessLoans as a financial advisor. To find New business loans, online business loans, bad credit business loans, secured business loans , unsecured business loans, cheap business loans, bad credit instant business loans, bad credit cheap business loans in UK that best site's you need visit Blog36857
Cati Blog2156

Add Fall Style To Any Room In A Day

Adding the autumnal warmth to a room can mark the change in seasons for the entire family, ushering in football, holidays, and cups of cocoa after school. And it can be easy, dramatic, and inexpensive! Follow these three simple steps to take any (or every!) room in your home from summer simple, to fall fabulous in just one day!

Step One- Add rich, warm color! Whatever your main wall color is in your room, paint your focal wall a deep shade of that color. No major color scheme change here, everything you already have in that room will still work because you are just amping up the present color scheme. For instance, if your walls are a pale peach, paint your focal wall a rich terra cotta. Light sage? Paint that focal wall a deep warm green. Just have white walls? Here is your chance to develop a color scheme and bring a lot of warmth into your room. Pick any one color you love, plus white, and you have a color scheme! Still love your white walls? Then paint the focal wall a rich cream, or even a chocolate brown. Remember, its just paint, and you can always paint it back in an afternoon with a cheap can of paint!

Step Two- Change out a few of your accessories pick up a couple of candles in your new rich focal wall color and set them out on a pretty plate, or add just one throw pillow to the couch and chair in that color. Pick up some ribbon in that hue and use it to tie back curtains, or wrap it around pillows a few times and tie with a pretty bow. Add a throw blanket from the linen closet draped over the easy chair, and a stack of books on the end table to read on a cool night. You dont need to go buy out the home section, just add a few quick touches to warm up the room.

Step Three_ Add nature! Nothing says the harvest season like displaying the fruits of natures bounty in your home. Set out a bowl full of nuts and nestle a candle in the middle, scatter pressed fall leaves over your mantel or coffee table, or tie branches into bundles, add some dried flowers and hang over doorways. Display fruits and veges on your kitchen counter or take the kids on a nature walk and fill a large clear jar with gifts from Mother Nature. (Always follow laws about collecting, however).

There you go, three quick steps and in one day youve created a room for your loved ones that breathes the comfort and cozyness of fall!

Kathy Wilson is an author, columnist, and editor of The Budget Decorator, Decorating Your Small Space, and Decorating Cottage Style. For hundreds of free budget home decorating ideas, visit her now at Be sure to sign up for her free newsletter while you are there!Berti Blog52315
Antonietta Blog74797

Awaken the Possibilities with The Power of Community

Last year, I ventured out into the world and started my own marketing and executive development company. I left behind a talented team, a desirable position and a steady paycheck from a highly acclaimed corporation that offers more benefits than I can now remember.

On May 1, 2006, the first Monday after my last day of corporate life, I sat at my desk in my home office and wondered, what now? After busying myself for years in positions where I chose to rarely work less than 50 hours a week and skipped more vacations than I took, it was now completely up to me. The house had never been so quiet.

Id been in the business world for over 20 years helping build and market others businesses, but this was different. On that first day, I felt very alone. Having been someone who disliked asking for help or feeling vulnerable, it was a scary day.

Once on my path, I connected with some of the most supportive, intelligent, and resourceful people I have ever known. Some were people Id known for years and was fortunate to have in my life, while others were newer friends. By widening my community and network, I was privileged to add or strengthen friendships with people of impressive character, talent, intelligence and generosity of spirit. As my circle grew, so did my confidence. I felt stronger and able to take on any challenge. I was amazed by and grateful for their gracious support and committed to paying it forward by returning the same kind of caring support, friendship and resourcefulness to others.

Those around us who lift us up, share their stories and resources, have honest but constructive reality checks with us when we need it, are in our corner with no agenda, make us laugh and hold our confidences are to be treasured. There is plenty for everyone and no need to push others down, judge them or pass along fear to feed our egos when we can raise them up, grow and succeed together while having a whole lot of fun in the process. In a world where many of us come from a place of lack, ego or fear, it is a blessing to have these safe havens to go to for friendship, wisdom, support and confidentiality.

Whether you are a parent or have no children, are married or single, working for others or yourself, or managing a household, you are not alone if you reach out. It is your choice. We all have so much in common and a great deal to contribute. Weve had similar fears, challenges, questions and stumbles on our journey, so why not share our time, resources and stories so we can learn from one another?

Take a chance. Grow your own community a little bit each day. Reach out to someone by asking for advice or lending your support. Pay it forward as a thank-you to someone who helped you on your journey when you needed it. Youll be glad you did. When we take the time to raise each other up, the possibilities for all of us expand and were the better for it.

Im grateful to be part of this community and am grateful for my ever-expanding community of dear friends, colleagues and adopted family.

Dawn Rahicki is president and founder of The Illume Group, Inc. a coaching, leadership training and development and marketing company dedicated to expanding the level of success and joy of entrepreneurs, executives and rising stars. She was a contributing writer to Workforce Diversity Management and Privatization and Market-Based Leadership in Developing Economies and speaks on a variety of topics. To learn more about The Illume Group, Inc. and its services, email Blog75365
Annette Blog5741

Protect Your System With Rollback Rx

Whether you are a home user or IT professional, Rollback Rx provides you with an essential system restore utility, giving you the flexibility to do a PC restore in the event of a system crash or any other serious program error. You can rollback to the point you want, choosing from the numerous snapshots of your entire system. The flexibility of Rollback Rx must be experienced to appreciate it.

Rollback Rx system restore software has powerful capabilities with which fixing computer problems becomes a tension-free process with the least downtime imaginable and without depending on expensive technical support.

Configure According To Convenience

You can configure Rollback Rx to take a new snapshot before you set up a new program. By scheduling it to take an event-based snapshot, defining executables, you can have Rollback Rx take a new snapshot before the defined new program is launched. Defrag your drives before you install Rollback Rx in your system. Rollback Rx has a snapshot defragmenter built into it that you can use to defrag your system too. It works very fast. Though, when you want to defrag your drives with a third party tool, remove Rollback Rx from your system, defrag your drives and then re-install Rollback Rx for optimum performance.

Rollback Rx is a very useful tool to use in patch management, making the process effective. You can take a pre-patch snapshot of your system and if the patch happens to fail, you can always rollback the system to the pre-patch snapshot instantly, allowing you to quickly fix computer problems.

Is Rollback Rx Similar To Windows System Restore?

As far as restoring system configuration to an earlier point in time is concerned, Rollback Rx and Windows System restore are similar. But Windows system restore stops at protecting system files. It does not protect data, programs and user settings. Rollback Rx protection is complete which means it protects everything on your hard drive including each and every file you were working on right up to the moment your computer problem occurred. If Windows does not start up, system restore cannot work.

But with Rollback Rx, even if Windows fails to start, you need not worry. Your computer settings can be restored and within a reboot cycle, you can have your system operational, because Rollback Rx installs below the Windows operating system, so that it can fix computer problems even when there is a complete crash. Also, Windows system restore occupies 5-15% space on your hard disk for every snapshot it takes. Rollback Rx only uses 0.07% space for a snapshot. It also does not run in the background, conserving free space, which you can use for other things.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Berri Blog75189
Ardyce Blog22234

A Way To Professionalizing The Academe

In order to stadardize the system of producing teachers in every state in the country the Educational Teaching Service (ETS) which headed the conduct of a specialized examination wherein the applicant must be able to accomplish it with a passing grade of (660) based on the National School Psychology Examination. The grade that you garnered at the end of the exam is valid for nine years preceding the date when you took the examination, beyond those years your exam grade would expire therefore requiring you to take the exam again. The series of Praxis formulated by the Educational testing Service contains the Psychologist test which has a code of 10400.

Knowing what ETS really is

It is a non profit organization that pursues to give quality and to provide a fair play education for every person in the globe. They are aiming to assist the students to comprehend, the teachers to be effective propagators of information and the parents to ascertain the academic and intellectual advancement of their child. This is done by ETS by listening to the commentaries of the academe, the parents, and the critics. As they continue to foster this they were able to discover the needs of their students and the learning institutions. ETS was able to enact on their goal by formulating state-of-the-art and innovative services and products.

The Praxis Series of Examination

It is a series of assessment examinations that the states utilize in order to measure the capacity of a person who would want to be a teacher. The prospective teachers are to by undertake a procedure much like a licensure examination that would certify that their skills were appropriate for the job. The test is composed of three parts. Praxis I examination calculates the fundamental educational skills of an applicant while the Praxis II examination aims to gauge the universal and subject detail knowledge and instructing skills. Praxis III examination evaluates the classroom routine of the applicant.

Praxis I has the title of Pre-Professional Skills Assessment (PPST), the exams consists of tests calculating the basic skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. This part could be taken in two set-ups whether paper-based or computer-based.

The computer-based examination is presented by a scheduled time in testing centers. Usually, an applicant takes two hours to finish the exam but the definite time for each portion of the exam is quite longer. The reading exam with 46 questions has been allotted 5 minutes, same way with mathematics while writing has 44 questions with an allotted time of only 38 minutes. The applicant is also required to compose an essay for 30 minutes.

The computer-based exam is also presented in a combined examination which will be distributed at a single session. If you are to take the combined examination there will be four parts in your exam theres reading, arithmetic, multiple-choice composition and the essay writing. The proctor will give you a 15-minute break in between the arithmetic and writing part of the exam. This test is undertaken longer than the original one because it usually lasts almost five hours.

The paper-based examination has allotted an hour for a 40-questioned exam in reading and mathematics while the essay writing and the multiple-choice writing segment both have 30 minutes each. Of course, your score could be determined by the number of correct answers that you have, dont you worry because there will be no deductions for incorrect answers with your praxis exam.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written many articles on the Praxis II. For more information checkout Blog86030
Aggy Blog9190

Title Insurance Companies Must Change Their Ways

In the last few years the real estate title industry has been in the news a lot more and usually it is not because of the good things they are doing. Most of the news has revolved around the illegal kickbacks and gifts they are giving to brokers in return for more business being sent their way. The latest story is from Washington and involves homeowners suing title agencies for providing illegal gifts to brokers and passing on extra charges to the customers, These stories have become far too common and in the Internet age it is only a matter of time before anyone who is in need of title insurance will be able to find similar stories. Because of the increased knowledge title insurance providers should take heed and change their ways. There is no way to hide this information from consumers and those title companies who are engaging in these illegal practices will pay the price and rightly so.

Before I go any further I need to discuss exactly what Title Insurance is. Title Insurance is an insurance policy to guarantee your ownership against claims, liens or judgments that might arise after your purchase or loan has been completed. Title insurance providers research and certify ownership of real estate before it is bought, sold or refinanced. They search state and municipal public records for the property and persons in the transaction. The investigation is thorough and complete. The title company will notify you and your attorney or lender of any claims that may challenge your ownership or the new loan on the property. Title insurance is a requirement in almost every state in the US and it serves to protect lenders and homeowners against losing their loan or home due to title inaccuracies or deceit.

The problems arise when title companies attempt to buy their business from real estate brokers, attorneys, and/or mortgage brokers. The practice of giving gifts and kickbacks in return for additional business is illegal in every state but many title companies ignore this. This practice has been ingrained in the title industry and the fact that customers were unaware of it has made it highly profitable and difficult to discover. That is until recently. Customers are becoming better educated on the closing process and in turn what title insurance is and how much it should cost. One of the biggest reasons for this is because of the increased availability of information because of the internet. Consumers now have instant access to all the information they want with a couple of clicks of their mouse. Title companies can no longer hide what they are doing from their customers.

In the past most consumers were unaware that they could choose their own title insurance company and instead used the company that their broker or attorney recommended. The fact is that this is just a recommendation and customers have a right to choose who they want to use for their title services. Armed with this knowledge customer have the ability to shop around and find the best price for their title insurance. When looking for a title service customers need to ask for a detailed breakdown of all fees and charges from each company and determine the best price. If a company refuses to give this information or try to tell you it is an estimate and the price may change at closing they are obviously hiding something. These companies should be eliminated immediately. Once the information is obtained from a number of companies the customer should review everything and choose the company they feel most comfortable with. And remember some brokers and attorneys rely on gifts and kickbacks so they may try to convince customers that they cant choose their own title company or otherwise try to steer them away from the customers choice. If that happens they should look closer at the broker or attorney who they are working with because they are being less than honest about this. The customer can have all of the power if they properly educate themselves.

As more and more problems are being exposed in the title industry space is opening up for companies who are willing to change the way the title industry works. Some new companies are trying to change the way consumers view title insurance and closing services by offering services directly to the consumer. They do not rely on leads from brokers or attorneys and as a result they do not need to rely on kickbacks to get increased business. Their goal is to educate the consumer and give them the lowest possible rates and they can do this because they are not adding junk fees to cover the cost of gifts and kickbacks that other title companies have. They offer flat fee charges for title and settlement services and the quote that is received on the website is what the consumer pays at closing, there are no hidden charges that pop up during the closing process. What you see is what you get.

As the title industry gains more and more negative exposure title companies who are trying to change the way the business works will see more room for themselves in the market and this will greatly benefit consumers. When consumers are shopping for a home, mortgage, or even a refinance mortgage they do plenty of research to get exactly what they want and title insurance & closing services should be no different. It could mean the difference of thousands at closing. The internet helped consumers find new alternatives when it comes to mortgages and as they become more educated they will realize that they can save a significant amount of money by learning about title insurance and shopping around.

Mark Pilatowski is a title industry insider and has followed the litigation surrounding the title industry for the past few years. Because of the problems with other title companies he joined the team at My Closing Space offers Title Insurance and closing services direct to the consumer without the junk fees and kickbacks that other title companies charge.Ailis Blog88048
Bari Blog67170

The Best Way To Find Inexpensive Dental Plans

Whether you're aware of it or not, there are still inexpensive dental plans available out there. The difficulty that most people have in finding them is that they're still looking for traditional dental insurance, which, unfortunately, is not the way to go nowadays.

A few years ago many people were able to get dental insurance through their work, but now most employers simply can't afford dental insurance, or health insurance for that matter, which leads many people forced to find something in the private sector or pay full price out of pocket for their dental work.

The inexpensive dental plans at all is referring to are not dental insurance, but are known as discount dental plans. Discount dental plans, also known as dental discount plans, are simply a discounted fee-for-service program were certain qualified dentists will give substantial discounts to their patients if they'll pay cash at the time of their visit. If you think about it, this is an excellent deal. The me give view an example of the type of savings that you can enjoy by using a dental discount plan.

Let's just say that you are in need of Single Crown - Porcelain on Noble Metal. Now this is only an example, but this should give you a general idea of what you could expect by buying one of these inexpensive dental plans. The usual cost for this type of procedure would be in the range of $850.00, however, by using one of these inexpensive dental plans, and paying cash at the time of the visit, you can reduce your cost only down to $455.00. That is a savings of $395.00 off of the regular cost just for paying cash when you see the dentist.

This particular example was based on the Scottsdale, Arizona area. Your actual savings could be more or less, depending on the area in which you live. Savings tend to be higher in metropolitan areas because there are more dentists there and they are more competitive.

The cost for this particular plan is only $119.95 for an individual or $159.95 for a family for an entire year. If you deduct $159.95 from the $455 savings in the above example, you'll end up with a total savings of $295.05 just on this one procedure alone.

If you're an individual and deducted $119.95 from the $455 savings, then your total savings would be $335.05 off of this procedure. Keep in mind that you still have the entire year to get any other dental procedures taking care of that you might be in need of. I recommend that you take the opportunity to look into these inexpensive dental plans.

Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Agent that now works for himself by helping others. Watch the new video "Dental Discount Plans vs Dental Insurance" by visiting Blog59782
Calypso Blog8733

Stand Back Some Diamonds Appear Larger Than They Are

It has been said and sung that diamonds are a girls best friend, and I have to admit, although I have never thought of diamonds as a best friend, their expressive brilliance has mesmerized me at times.

Diamonds symbolize happiness, eternal love, and strength. So, there is not only an aesthetic bond, but an emotional bond too. Even if happiness and eternal love falter, a diamond is still forever.

So, where does a diamonds rainbow of brilliant colors originate?

Diamonds are close to 100% pure carbon 99.95% to be exact, and are found hidden deep within the dark recesses of the earth. If you were to see a diamond in its natural state, you would probably not pay much mind to it because it looks like any other rock a hard rock. In fact, it is one of the hardest rocks known to mankind.

Diamonds also come in a variety of colors, the most common being yellow, brown, and black, which usually find their way for use in industrial arenas such as drill bits, saw blades, etc. The rarest of diamonds are colorless, although for jewelry purposes such as engagement rings, they fall in the category of near colorless.

The cut is what takes this colorless or near colorless rock and creates its brilliance. Although a diamond can weigh more than another diamond, depending on its cut, the smaller diamond in weight can appear larger and vice versa.

In jewelry terms, the cut actually refers to a diamonds reflective qualities and is most important because it affects a diamonds properties and values. It is in this sense that bigger does not mean better.

The cut enables light to enter the diamond, reflect from one side to another before reflecting back out. A poorly cut diamond may let light enter, but when it goes to reflect from one side to another, some of the light leaks out the side and is lost, rather than back out where it entered.

Often times you will see an advertisement for a larger diamond at a discounted price, which really should be advertised, poorly cut diamonds for sale.

So, while your friend may be showing you her huge rock, yours may sparkle a lot more and appear larger, even if it is smaller.

Dee Scrip is a well known and respected published expert author of numerous articles on Home Business, Business Opportunities, Wealth, Diamonds, Health, Fundraising, VoIP, and Fuel Savings. Audre Blog71839
Bunnie Blog54485

A Buyers Guide to Flatbed Scanners

A Buyer's Guide to Flatbed Scanners

Flatbed scanners generally deliver the best combination of quality, flexibility, and usability in scanning. They can be used to scan different kinds of media, including photos and film (with the additional use of a transparency adapter); they can be used to scan text for OCR and document archiving; and they can be used to scan material of varying sizes and thicknesses - from small postage stamps to large mechanical blueprints and 3D objects. To determine the flatbed scanner for your needs, this buying guide covers some of the more important flatbed scanner specifications that you will need to know.

Bit depth and color pass

Practically all scanners today are single-pass types with 48-bit color. Gone are the scanners of yore that required three passes to capture the full RGB (red, green, blue) color information from an image in individual, painstakingly slow takes. Gone too are 24-bit and 36-bit scanners that proved sufficient in the past for delivering up to 68.7 billions of color.

Today's single-pass, 48-bit scanners are fast and can theoretically capture up to 250 trillion colors - clearly more color than the human eye can distinguish or what monitors and printers can reproduce - but impressive nonetheless for the promise of yielding hues as close to life as possible and delivering smoother color gradations. Ignore all but single-pass scanners when shopping for a flatbed, and aim for 48-bit color as well. Consider lower-bit models (such as 42-bits) only if your scanner of choice has other specs that a higher-bit counterpart may not have - such as patented technologies and special features - that more than compensate for the lower bit depth of your selected model.


The resolution of a scanner determines the level of detail that can be captured; the higher the resolution, the sharper the scan will be. There are two types of resolution: optical and interpolated, with optical resolution being the more important spec, as it relates to the scanner's actual optics and amount of information that it can sample. The interpolated resolution of a scanner is helpful only in specific applications - such as scanning line art, where higher resolutions can even out jaggedness and produce smoother contours.

Most flatbeds today feature respectable specs for optical resolution, ranging from 2400 dpi to 4800 dpi. Any scanner with such resolution figures would prove a respectable choice, since these specs are more than capable of delivering sharp detail or enlarging images for most print applications. Remember, too, that scanning your images in the full resolution of the scanner is likely to yield file sizes of unmanageable proportions - without delivery any discernible benefit towards increasing image clarity or quality. So forget the resolution wars of the past when manufacturers trotted out their resolution specs to trump their closest rival. Instead, look for other features today in flatbeds that may be more important for your needs, or consider the resolution spec TOGETHER with these other features when choosing your choice of flatbed.

CCD vs. CIS Sensor Technology

Image sensors in flatbed scanners can be of two types - CCD or CIS. Scanners with CCD (charge-coupled device) sensors use a system of mirrors and lenses for redirecting light reflected from the original document to the CCD array. Because of the required optics, CCD scanners are more expensive to produce and result in bulkier scanners, compared to their CIS counterparts. The image quality produced by CCD scanners, however, is far superior to that produced by CIS scanners.

CIS, or Contact Image Sensor technology, is a more recent development in which the sensor array lies just under the scanner bed, so that the sensors catch reflected light directly. Since CIS scanners do not need a complex optical system, they are cheaper to produce and are smaller in size, resulting in portable, lightweight models that may be prove ideal for cramped desktops. CIS sensors also contain on-board logic that consumes less power than CCD. But because the on-board logic utilizes space that would normally be used for the mirrors and lenses in a CCD to sense light, scans from a CIS scanner are lower in quality. As a result, most people tend to forego the slight savings that can be obtained from a CIS scanner in favor of getting higher-quality CCD models instead.

Connectivity & Interface

Most consumer-level scanners today will feature USB ports - either Hi-Speed USB (USB 2.0) on more recent models, or the earlier USB 1.1 standard. Hi-Speed USB is backwards compatible with the USB 1.1 and has a data transfer rate of 480 megabits per second (Mbps). Higher-end scanner models are likely to include the FireWire interface as well, allowing scanners to be used in advanced, professional such as audio/video transfer and data storage. Scanners with either USB or FireWire interface are hot swappable - which means the scanners can be plugged or unplugged from other devices to which they are connected without having to turn the scanners off and on. Older scanners will include SCSI or parallel ports, but you shouldn't have to consider these legacy-type models - unless you are using the scanner to connect to older computers. When shopping for a flatbed, any scanner with a Hi-Speed USB port should be purchase-worthy, but consider getting a model with dual Hi-Speed USB and FireWire interfaces to expand your range of possible connections to many other devices and peripherals.

Scan Speed

Speed specifications in flatbeds are hard to determine - unless the scanner manufacturer provides the specs or the exact conditions in which material is scanned. Scan speeds can run from seconds to several minutes, depending on a wide variety of factors. For instance, to compare scan speed between two comparable models, one will need to know the size of the material being scanned, the resolution setting, the interface being used, and the processing speed and power of the computer to which the scanner is connected. Check speed claims carefully if these are made at all; it may help to do an actual or sample scan with the model of your choice, and see if you are satisfied with the speeds of the preview and actual scans. You could also check to see if your flatbed model has been reviewed in computer magazines or sites and rated for speed, as benchmark tests may give a more comprehensive picture on how fast the scanner runs.

Size of Scan Bed

Most flatbeds today will start out with a standard scan bed size of 8.5" x 11.7", approximating the dimensions of a letter-size image or document. From there, various bed-size configurations could come into play, including 8.5" x 14" to accommodate legal-size material, and 12" x 17" for large, tabloid-size scanning. It's usually a good idea to consider a flatbed with a bed size that's beyond the bare minimum - in this case, larger than the barebones 8.5" x 11.7". Not only can you fit larger-sized material onto the scan bed, you can also group several smaller pieces on the scan bed and perform batch scans (scanning in groups) to save time and effort. Dynamic Range

The dynamic range of a scanner measures how well it can capture the tonal range of an image, ranging from the brightest highlights to the darkest shadows. Dynamic range is measured on a scale from 0.0 (perfect white) to 4.0 (perfect black), and the single number associated with a scanner indicates how much of that range it can tell apart. The minimum and maximum density values that can be captured by a scanner are called Dmin and Dmax, respectively. If a scanner's Dmin was 0.2 and its Dmax was 3.0, then its dynamic range would be 2.8.

While dynamic range is a term often bandied about, in truth the spec is more important for film scanners used to scan slides, negatives, and transparencies - as these types of media have a broader range of tones compared to photos, and for which a scanner's higher dynamic range can make a difference. Most flatbed scanners will have a dynamic range of 2.8 to 3.0, but don't be surprised if you can't find it in the specs, as this is not critical information needed by the average user looking to scan photos or prints.


In selecting the scanner of your choice, consider the software that comes with it. Software will always include the scanner's own driver or scanning software, as well as a host of complementary programs such as image-editing software like Adobe Photoshop to which the scanned image is delivered; optical character recognition software like ABBYY FineReader Sprint for text scanning and OCR; color calibration software for higher-end scanner models; and even photo-repair software like DIGITAL ICE. Check for extras as well, such as proprietary or exclusive technologies.

Microtek Lab Inc. is a consumer electronics company focused on scanners, plasma and lcd televisions, digital projectors, lcd monitors, digital cameras, home theatre equipment, and accessories. You can view their online store at Use of this article is permitted provided that the article is used in its entirety.Briana Blog55749
Albertina Blog39273

How to Make Moving to or from Detroit Easier

If you and your family are planning on moving to or from Detroit, you may want to use a professional moving company. Since you are moving to or from the Detroit area, you may want to use a Detroit moving company. In most cases, you will find that a professional moving company makes your move easier; however, there are still things that you may want to prepare for.

One of the many ways that you can make your move easier is to hire a Detroit moving company, well in advance. As soon as you know that you would like to use a professional moving company and when, you are advised to make an appointment. The sooner you have your appointment made, the sooner you can begin to start preparing for your move. In addition to the ability to start preparing, you will also find that booking an appointment with a moving company in advance may better your chances of getting the Detroit moving company of your choice.

It is also a good idea that you get your moving supplies, such as packing tape, cardboard boxes, and bubble warp, early on. This is especially important if you want to get some of your supplies for free. A large number of retail stores allow their customers to take their discarded cardboard and bubble warp; however, all of these supplies may not be available all at the same time. For a large collection of free packing supplies, you are advised to return to the same retail store for a period of time. After a few weeks, you may find that you have all of the cardboard boxes and bubble wrap that you need.

When packing your belongings, it is advised that you fill up your boxes, as much as you can. Unfilled boxes may result in damaged belongings. The fuller your boxes are, the less likely it is that your items will move around and suffer damage. It is also a good idea to mark all of your boxes with which room they will belong in. This make not only make your move easier, but it may also make the job of a Detroit moving company easier as well. It is also advised that you mark any of the boxes with breakable contents as fragile.

While the moving is occurring, you may want to keep an eye on the movers you hired. Most professional Detroit moving companies will properly handle your items, but it is still a good idea to be sure. If you notice anything broken or damaged, it is important that you make note of those items right away. If your Detroit moving company is insured, they will likely need a report of all of your damaged items in a few days, maybe even sooner.

It is no secret that moving can be a frustrating and stressful time. By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to move without having to worry about what will happen to your belongings or anything else that may cause you to stress.

Ted Garvin is a writer for where you can find the best Detroit Moving Company around and other related information.Allis Blog35154
Alice Blog54075

Buying A Vintage Engagement Ring

If you are looking for an expensive vintage engagement ring to give to your beloved and you can afford to stretch your budget, then aim for the heavens and go for an antique vintage engagement ring. A vintage engagement ring is a huge investment - but one that your future bride will surely cherish forever.

So many choices: Solitaire diamond, pearl and sapphire, emerald , aquamarine, gemstone, filigree, diamond have all been used in vintage engagement rings and even eternity rings. You may also choose from an array of vintage engagement rings with unusual settings adorned with diamond and other gems.

Solitaire diamond rings come in all sizes and shapes. From the regular round rock to the solid square, and rectangles, solitaire diamond rings can look as unique as your loved one. It is sometimes better to purchase your diamond separately from the band and setting. This small step will ensure your purchasing good quality solitaire for your vintage engagement ring.

Generally, vintage diamond rings are available and affordable in Western countries. Jewellers will willingly assemble your own design, if the ring you want is not available or too highly priced. You can decide the rings design, working with goldsmiths and designers. With some intelligent choices you can have an exact replica of the ring worn by Madonna (an antique Edwardian three-stone diamond ring) or some other person you admire. In modern tradition, a vintage engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand of the woman to be married, indicating her engagement. It represents an official acceptance of the marriage proposal and a commitment to a future together. It is also not uncommon for a woman to buy the man a vintage engagement ring.

To acquire gems and create distinctive rings in which to set them, the purchase of your engagement and wedding rings is one of the most significant purchases you will ever make, both financially and emotionally. No other single piece of jewellery will ever be as important. No matter how successful you become, no matter how magnificent other jewellery purchases might be, nothing carries with it the same excitement and magic.Once jewellers see you are an informed diamond ring buyer, they cannot scam you into buying overpriced diamonds which are worth far less than the salesperson claims. When buying vintage engagement ring diamonds and wedding rings, you should go into battle educated and prepared. You should use your research of diamond pricing and sample printouts of similar competing diamonds in your size range from online sites. You should also have a good diamond buying book with lots of colour photos to help you spot fakes, and worthless diamonds.

Allen Jesson is the owner of several sites including, a site that specializes in vintage engagement rings and, a site that specializes in home based net marketing businesses.Arlee Blog95225
Blanch Blog99555

To Co-sign or Not to Co-sign for Family...That Is the Question

Those of you who recently filed bankruptcy (and those bad credit scores) may be tempted, like I was, to ask a friend, parent or relative to co-sign on a loan with you.

Don't do it.

It weakens your position with lenders. Once a lender sees a co-signer on one of your loansthe lender will question your stability and move into cover their butt mode. And the way lenders cover their butts, is by forcing you to get a co-signer on your next loan...and the loan after that...and the loan after that.

Bottom line: When you have an existing co-signed loanthe chance of a lender requiring a co-signer on your next loan increases significantly.

There are right ways to recover from bankruptcy (or just rebuild bad credit) properly and quickly. But having a co-signer only delays your recovery and sets you up for complications along the way.

If you are unable to qualify for the credit you need...take it as a sign that it is not meant to be...until you can qualify on your own.

What if you are asked to become a co-signer?

I have a core belief...and it goes something like this, Lend people money only if you can afford not to get it back and you won't hold a grudge if you don'tbut never ever lend people your credit.

If you're thinking about co-signing for someone...

Don't do it.

There is too much at stake.

If the borrower defaults on the loan, two things will happen to your credit reports and FICO credit scores:

1. If the loan goes into default, the lender looks to you to make the payment(s) have your checkbook ready.

2. Each time the loan becomes 30 days past due, a late payment will appear on your credit report(s) for up to 7 years...and as a result your credit scores will be lower than they could be.

Additionally, when you co-sign...

1. The payment you co-signed for is calculated in your debt-to-income ratio. So going in debt for someone else could actually prevent you from getting the credit you need when you need it. And it could increase the cost of credit since your scores may be lower.

2. When each lender reviews your credit report(s) to consider the loan, they will post a credit inquiry that will lower your credit scores.

3. Your own credit card interest rates could skyrocket due to the added debt. In what is becoming more common practice, credit card issuers are reviewing your credit reports and looking for how much debt you have with other companies. This is called a universal review of your credit reports and if the outcome is bad, your interest rates can dramatically increase with little notice (this just happened to one of my employees last week).

4. The added debt could lower your insurance credit scores to the point where it could impact your ability to get or keep homeowner's and auto insurance or cause your premiums to increase.

As you can see, there is very little value in co-signing a loan. But there is a lot of downside risk.

And these days your credit score is about more than just your ability to obtain's about your insurance rates and almost everything else in your financial life.

Co-signing for family members

I can remember stories about my family members asking our Uncle David to co-sign. I should know, I was one of them.

What I noticed is that after one family member asked Uncle David to co-sign...all the other family members deemed it their birthright to do the same. Whether it was for a car, motorcycle, camera equipment, or business loans...Uncle David was (and still is) there to the rescue. (Does your family have an Uncle David?)

To a lot of my family, Uncle David turned into Uncle David Bank and Trust, Inc. The sad fact is many family members took advantage of his kindness. Some only paid him back after they passed away. Many times he was left high and dry, making the payments for the borrower.

It's a tough balance to be kind to others, even family members, and remain financially responsible. But one thing I know, I never...never... someone my credit by co-signing. It's just too risky.

What about co-signing for your children?

If you can easily afford your insurance rates to double, your credit card limits to be reduced, and your interest rates on your revolving credit to increase substantially, then go ahead and do it.

Not me.

I feel it's better to do other things to help your children establish credit.

When my wife and I have children, our plan is to show our kids how to accomplish their credit goals without a co-signer. Will we help them? Sure we will. But not by co-signing. By the time they need to purchase their first car, their credit scores alone will qualify them.

We plan to teach them about the importance of managing their credit and credit scores so they are able to reach and maintain high credit scores; save for a down payment using money they earn (not borrow); and how to compare and select a lender to work with.

What about having a spouse co-sign on a loan?

Well, that isn't co-signing. That's co-borrowing...a different animal altogether. Co-borrowing is common practice among married people on a loan for a car or mortgage. And there is nothing wrong with co-borrowing. The goal, however, would be not to have everything held together. You need to build individual and joint credit so you can weather a storm (i.e., death, serious illness, etc.) on your own if need be.

I only recommend co-borrowing with a responsible spouse. And if you're not married I would even go so far as to suggest reviewing your partner's FICO credit scores! (Should we call this a FICO Pre-Nup?) Consider me paranoid. A person's credit history tends to leave clues. If the clues unearth a trail of bad credit...don't be naive.

Stephen Snyder is the founder of the After Bankruptcy Foundation (, a non-profit organization that provides free resources for helping people recover from bankruptcy. Stephen also writes a free weekly newsletter on bankruptcy recovery ( Blog19590
Anica Blog40622

Continuing Nursing Competency

For those student nurses who are about to graduate, their main priority is to pass the NCLEX-RN examination. The practice of nursing is regulated according to licensing authorities in each state jurisdiction.

Each jurisdiction must ensure that each nurse has the minimum competency to practice nursing in their state. In order to ensure such requirements, the National Council of State Boards of Nurses, Inc.

(NCSBN) has developed a comprehensive examination entitled, National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The NCLEX test plan occurs in several steps. The first step is to conduct a practice analysis. This is used to collect data on the practice of entry level nurses. By collecting this data the board can design NCLEX test questions that will be applicable to the majority of graduate nurses.

For instance, it has been found that the majority of new graduate nurses find work on medical/surgical units. The majority of the new graduates surveyed also indicated their primary responsibility was in the delivery of direct patient care. (1) Therefore, questions regarding the care of patients on medical/surgical units is pertinent and important for graduate nurses to know. Although some graduate nurses will tell you that they had more questions on psychiatric nursing or maternity nursing on the NCLEX, this is not the norm.

Six thousand or more newly licensed registered nurses are asked about the frequency and priority of performing more than one hundred and fifty care activities. These activities are analyzed in relation to the impact on patient care, safety and client settings where they are performed. It is in this framework that NCLEX test questions are designed to be applicable in real world settings, thus requiring graduate nurses to be knowledgeable of such practices.

The second step in the NCLEX test plan is to develop a method to test behaviors regarding the content formed in step one. The NCLEX-RN, Test Plan, provides a focused summary of the concepts to be tested. It serves not only to delineate what content to cover and the method of presenting the test questions but also serves to assist in developing a study guide in preparing those who will take the test. The NCLEX assesses the graduate nurses knowledge of required skills to practice nursing safely and competently.

Beliefs about people and nursing underlie the NCLEX-RN test plan. People are finite beings with varying capacities to function in society. (2) Each person is a unique and special individual existing in a system that they exert some control over, such as their beliefs, social systems, family systems, health customs. It is in this underlying theory of each individuals beliefs that the nursing process guides in the intervention to promote psychological and physical wellness.

Nursing is an art as much as it is a science, founded on a scientific body of knowledge that has been tested and proven effective in meeting the goals of each individual. The cognitive learning domain is a integral part of the NCLEX test plan. The use of Blooms taxonomy is the basis for writing and coding items (Bloom,e tal.,1956: Anderson

Robyn KnappCarlyn Blog71758
Carly Blog38861

Instantly Increase Your Strength On Every Back Exercise

Do you want a quick, simple and instant way to increase the amount of weight you can lift on virtually every back exercise you perform?

Sound too good to be true?

I speak the truth, my friend, and the reality is that if you arent utilizing this basic piece of gym equipment youre missing out on some serious muscle size and strength gains.

What tool am I talking about?

A pair of lifting straps!

This is such a basic and highly effective piece of equipment yet so many people neglect to use them. For those of you who are unaware, these are basically a set of thick straps made of extremely strong material that are placed around your wrists and then wrapped around the barbell, dumbbell or cable attachment.

The purpose of lifting straps is to eliminate your grip from the equation by forming a secure connection between your wrist and the weight. If you use these straps properly you can basically hold onto the bar and perform your exercises while expending almost no energy from your forearms.

Why is this so valuable?

Picture this scenario

Youre performing a set of deadlifts (arguably the most powerful muscle-building exercise known to man) with the goal of performing 8 reps. You psych yourself up, grip the weight and clear the bar from the ground. The set is going well, but by the time you reach rep number 5, the strain on your grip is so great that you can no longer hold onto the bar. Youre forced to stop the set because your forearms reached muscular failure.

What exactly happened here?

Well, you gave yourself an amazing forearm workout! Congratulations! Unfortunately, you severely limited the amount of muscle stimulation you could achieve on your back, shoulders, legs, and just about every other muscle in your body that the deadlift targets in the process. Not a good thing!

Lifting straps completely eliminate this problem by making sure that you reach muscular failure in the major muscle groups that you are intending to target rather than on your forearms and grip. They can be used effectively for almost every back exercise or any other lift where the grip is of concern.

The main argument against lifting straps is the idea that they are a crutch and will negatively affect the development of grip strength and forearm size.

Lets get real here. What would you prefer, greater muscle mass and strength in your lats and upper back (and just about every other muscle group on your body) or greater ability to crack open a jar of pickles? Take your pick.

The positive effect that lifting straps will have on your overall muscle mass and strength gains will far outweigh any negative effect that they have on your forearms and grip. Besides, you can easily incorporate specific forearm movements into your routine to develop your grip strength and forearm size.

If you arent using lifting straps already, get on it. You can find them at almost any store that sells sports or fitness equipment or you can order them online. They sell for about 10 or 15 bucks and are well worth the price.

To learn how to put those lifting straps to the best use possible by implementing the most effective workout routines available, click the link below and visit my website for details.

Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. If you want to learn how to build the greatest amount of lean muscle mass and strength possible in the shortest period of time, visit his websiteAndreana Blog47636
Berna Blog42751

Six Forex Trading Tips for Newbies

You have decided to be a trader in the forex market, and you have no idea on how to begin. Let's first start by defining what the forex market is and what it does.

The term "forex", also known as the foreign exchange is a market for the sale and purchase of all kinds of currencies. It originated in the early 1970's when floating currencies and free exchange rates were first introduced. At this time, the forex market traders were the ones who set the value of one type of currency against another.

Nowadays, the market forces determine the value of a currency against another. One unique aspect of the Forex market is that very little trading qualifications are required of anyone intending to trade therein.

Independence from external control ensures that only the market forces influence the currency prices. As the largest financial market, with trades reaching up to 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars, or USD, the money moves so fast, its impossible for a single investor to substantially affect the price of any major foreign currency.

In addition, unlike any stock that is rarely traded, forex traders are able to open and close any positions within seconds, because there are always a number of willing buyers and sellers.

1. The first thing you need to do is open a forex account. You will have to fill an application form which includes a margin agreement stating if the broker will be allowed to intervene with any trade when it appears too risky. Since most trades are done using the broker's money, it is only logical that he protect his interests. However, once you have established an account, you can fund it and begin trading in the forex market.

2. Adopt a trading strategy, that has proven to be successful for you. Remember that strategies will work differently for different traders, so don't try to adopt a strategy that works well for another trader. It might backfire on you. The two available approaches are either technical analysis or fundamental analysis. A combination of the two is a more preferred choice for experienced traders.

3.Understand that prices move by trends. Forex has a popular saying, The trend is your friend. There are certain movements that have been studied over many years in order to identify a pattern in the trend. These trends need to be understood in order to understand a good trading strategy. For small accounts that are $25,000 and under, trading with a trend may help improving your odds when compared to bi-directional trading. Most newbies will look to trade in any direction, when they should be trading with a trend.

4. Ensure you know which are the top five currencies pairs in the foreign exchange. These are USD/Yen, Swiss franc/USD, Euro/Yen, Euro/USD and Pound/USD.

5. For newbies, it is advisable to maintain two accounts to ensure you learn to play the trading game. Keep one real account, one that you will actually use to trade real money; and the second account should be a demo, one that you can use to test alternative moves in the trading game. You can easily use your demo account to shadow the trades in your real account so you can widen your stops to see if you are being too conservative or not.

6. Always examine the one hour, four hour and daily charts that concern your trades. Although you can trade at 15 and 30 minute time intervals, doing so requires a handful of dexterity.

Gerald Njuguna is the owner of, a site where you can read more articles on diamonds. Visit the site to read more information on how to clean diamonds here: Barbe Blog40598
Aline Blog11381

An introduction to computer forensics

Computer Forensics is the process of investigating electronic devices or computer media for the purpose of discovering and analyzing available, deleted, or "hidden" information that may serve as useful evidence in supporting both claims and defenses of a legal matter as well as it can helpful when data have been accidentally deleted or lost due to hardware failure.

However, this is a very old technique but now it has been changed a lot because of technological advances, modern tools and softwares which makes Computer Forensics much easier for Computer Forensic Experts to find & restore more evidence/data faster and with more accuracy.

Computer forensics has change the way digital evidence is gathered & used as evidence of a crime & it is done using advanced techniques and technologies. A computer forensic expert uses these techniques to discover evidence from an electronic storage device for a possible crime. The data can be from any kind of electronic device like Pen drives, discs, tapes, handhelds, PDAs, memory stick, Emails, logs, hidden or deleted files etc.

Most of us think that deleting a file or history will remove it completely from the hard disk drive. In realty, it only removes the file from the location but the actual file still remains on your computer. It is easier to track what has been done on your computer but difficult to say by whom though it is possible to alter or delete the data completely from your storage device. It depends on computer forensic experts skills how well he can find and restore the data without any loss or change.

Computer forensics got widespread attention during the Enron scandal widely believed to be the biggest computer forensics investigation ever. Nowadays Computer Forensics & Electronic discovery is becoming a standard part of litigation of all types, especially large litigations involving corporate matters in which there are large amounts of data.

Computer forensics can be used to uncover a fraud, unauthorized use of a computer, violation of company policies, inadequate record keeping etc by tracking e-mails, chat-history, files, tapes, sites people browse or any other form of electronic communications.

Data security is one of the biggest issues that the corporate world is facing now by publishing companys internet/policies & consequences for violations, signing of compliance documents by employees. Businesses can initiate monitoring their own computer systems to avoid legal consequences in future. Making employees aware that monitoring software and Computer forensics personnel are available could prevent workers from wrong doing.

With the use of computers in everyday life and increasing amount of hi-tech crimes, Computer forensics is a growing niche in the litigation support sector. Unlike many jobs in information technology sector, chances are that computer forensics services will not be outsourced to other country because of the confidentiality of the data business which will not allow it to travel just to save a little cash.

Kevin Cohen is an international computer forensics consultant. He is president of Data Triage Technologies, LLC.(, a Computer forensics and Electronic discovery firm based in Los Angeles, California .Becky Blog5166
Catlee Blog4926

Sell Your Home Faster with Seller Financing

Seller financing opens your home up to an entirely new segment of prospective buyers, and the more buyers view your home, the quicker you will find that one qualified buyer. Specifically you will attract more buyers who don't want to or would have a problem getting a bank loan, or those who want a quicker closing or more flexible payment plans than banks offer. Such buyers include the self employed who may be great candidates but are not viewed as favorable by banks as are W-2 employees. Also those with credit blemishes, who may be going down the long road of credit repair. Real estate investors are another large group, since they may own many properties with mortgages, which makes it difficult to get another mortgage from a bank.

Banks typically take 30 days to close a loan, but with seller financing, YOU make the decision and this can be done much quicker, thereby removing a buyers contingencies faster and in effect leading to a much faster home sale. Regardless of whether you are selling FSBO (For Sale By Owner), or with a real estate agent, make sure you use "Seller Financing" in your marketing and advertising, be it in newspaper ads, flyers, or in the MLS description.

Other Ideas to Sell Your Home Faster

Number 1: PRICE IT RIGHT ! Not too high, not too low, check comparables and local agents to get the right number, if you are not getting any action after a week or two, you probably have it priced too high.

If you will be selling FSBO, use a flat rate MLS open listing. For under $500 you can get listed in MLS with no frills, check the newspaper or call agents to find one who offers this. It will give you much broader exposure and is advertising well spent. Also strongly consider offering a buyers agent commission of 2-4% depending on how quick you want to sell and how hot your local market is.

Put up lots of signs around the neighborhood, especially on weekends, hold regular open houses, prepare your house for sale, keep it neat & tidy and remove the clutter.

Sell Your Home for Full Price

1. Normally a seller will accept a lower price (below market) for an all cash no contingency fast closing.

2. It will sell for market price if the buyer needs 30-60days to close escrow and will need to qualify for a loan at a bank and do a home inspection.

3. You as a seller should charge even more (above market) if you will be giving seller financing terms, maybe 5-10% higher than Case 2, or more depending on the terms.

A Good Investment

Taking back a note can be a very good investment since you will be making interest on your money which is usually better than CD's, money market rates. In fact you can select the interest rate you want! This is especially appealing if you have no need for the money right now.

In fact it is such a good investment, that many investors buy seller carry-back notes. If you have no interest in holding a note, it is common for a home seller to carry-back a note and sell it at the same time as the home closing occurs. This is called a simultaneous closing.

We Buy Real Estate Notes and can facilitate simultaneous closings, call for more info on this. We can also help in setting the terms of the note so you get the best price.

Tax Benefits

When selling a home, under current tax law, if you lived in your home for 2 of the last 5 years, your capital gains will be exempt up to $250,000 (twice that if married). Otherwise, your capital gains will be taxed in the year that you collect the capital gains. If you will have significant taxable capital gains on your home sale, it may be very good for your tax situation to take back a seller carry-back note and spread your sale proceeds over several years, or postpone it for several years. Talk to your tax adviser.

Steps for Successful Seller Financing

1. Pull the prospective buyers credit report. You will need their permission, but always review a credit report on each borrower, it is a small expense.

2. Can they afford the home, job, income. If they cant afford it, or have a shaky job or income situation, a foreclosure will be much more likely.

3. Use a professional to draft the paperwork. Each state has many laws regarding real estate sales, contracts, and mortgages. Use an experienced attorney to draft the promissory note and mortgage or deed of trust.

4. Down payment - Sellers usually ask for 10-30% down payment to protect themselves in case the buyer stops making payments and the seller has to foreclose on the loan, and take the property back. The larger the down payment the more equity protection you as the seller have. The buyer will also consider how much money he has put down if he is in foreclosure and cant make the payments and wants to walk away from the house. Zero down is very little encouragement for a buyer, should he hit a rough patch.

5. 1st position or 2nd position - A first position note is much safer for the seller than a second position note.

6. Set the interest rate above current bank rates, to encourage the buyers to refinance down the road.

Also Read this Article: "Tips for Creating a Seller Carry-back Real Estate Note" at

Other Alternatives to Seller Financing

1. Land Contract / Contract to buy

2. Lease Option

This information can be useful to:

Home Sellers, Home Buyers, Note Buyers, Attorneys, Accountants, Financial Advisors, Real Estate Agents, Business Brokers.


I am not an attorney, nor a tax accountant, laws vary from state to state, and any advice implied by this paper should be checked with an attorney and/or tax adviser.

JMAC Funding
PO Box 91472, San Diego, CA 92169
(619) 846-1550

James MacArthurAlikee Blog40817
Berty Blog5084

How To Become A Super Affiliate In Less Than A Month

How would you like to make money online as an affiliate? Better yet, how would you like to turn yourself into a Super Affiliate and make money online even more that you could not stop your money from filling up your bank account every month?

There is no doubt there are many affiliate marketers on the Internet. Some are very successful and some just earn enough to pay their bills every month. In order to make money online selling affiliate product, you need to adjust your mind set and become a super affiliate.

Super affiliate like Ewen Chia and Russell Brunson is making million of dollars each and every year. They don't do things like normal affiliate marketer did. If you want to make money online the same way they did, you will have to think like them.

So here's how, if you want to recruit some affiliates for one product that you have just launched, you will have to motivate them. One way is to create some samples for your affiliates, so they have something to give to prospective customers. For instance, with a video product, take clips from the video; and for audio, do the same thing. For software, you may want to create a demo version. Allowing your affiliates to distribute this demo and sample products will increase their conversion rates.

Consider setting up a multi-level commission system as a means to recruit affiliates. You will be making more money online if you implement this method. For instance, if one affiliate recruits another affiliate who makes 10 sales, that first affiliate earns a percentage on all of those 10 sales. This will give other business and list owners with a following an incentive to participate, even if they can't directly sell your product.

If you're planning to coordinate a massive launch with affiliates, always plan to purchase professional graphic headers and e-covers, too. If your sales page does not look professional, you will immediately lose a lot of potential affiliates. Like you, they want to earn a decent return from their efforts; and they also want to associate with good products, not amateur ones. They want to make money online with someone who they can trust without cheating them.

Use ClickBank as your affiliate program administrator and coordinate a massive launch. This will have an exponentially positive effect. The more sales you close, the faster your product or service will rise to the top of the ClickBank charts. As your product gets higher, more affiliates will pick up your product, further increasing your profits.

If you contact someone and ask them to become an affiliate for you, always remember to give them a free copy of your product or service. Not only will this increase their likelihood of actually becoming your affiliate, but it will also make them considerably more effective as an affiliate, since they will actually understand what the product provides.

They are just no boundary to make money online as a super affiliate. All you need to do is to think outside the box a little bit. Copy every method that has been mentioned above which is proven can make you more money online.

Izrul Fizal has made a living earning himself a residual income every month. Visit his website Make Money Online at and to find out how.Bernardine Blog70522
Alejandrina Blog29834

Trading, Gambling & Las Vegas

I was recently taking a little R&R with my parents in Las Vegas. While I am not a big gambler, I thought I would do an experiment.

I decided to use the same rules that are essential for profitable trading and apply them to gambling.

Rule 1: Choose the right game. In gambling you need focus on a particular game that that is easy to play and understand. The same is true in trading. You should never trade markets that you don\'t understand and are difficult to trade real-time. I think alot of traders trade something just because it is popular. That is very foolish as you can have your head handed to you if you don\'t know what you are doing.

Rule 2: Choose a bet size that is within your comfort level. I decided on a bet(unit) size of $1. To some of you that may be small, but I chose this amount simply because it is nothing to me and I know that my emotions would not affect the game over this small amount of money.

Many traders downfall lies in betting too big!

Take forex traders for example, when they trade a regular sized forex contract each point(pip) is worth $10.00. If they lose just 20 pips on a trade, that is $200 and that may be way too big both financially and psychologically for the trader to stomach. As a result they start trading out of fear and anxiety and make a lot of mistakes.

If this sounds like you, then by simply switching to the smaller mini forex contract where each point(pip) is worth just $1.00 you may find that all your anxiety is gone and that you trade easily and confidently.

If you are a stock trader, you may found that trading 500 shares is way too stressful, but dropping down to 100 shares makes all the difference in the world.

Rule 3: Choose your \"windows of opportunity\" wisely. In every casino there are hundreds of slot and poker machines all trying to grab your attention to get you to play.

When I look for a machine that can give me a \"window of opportunity\" I have 2 criteria.

First, I only look for video poker machines because you can apply certain strategies that can increase your odds. Second, I always look for ones near the casino entrance area as these machines are often programmed to pay out more frequently so that they attract attention and lure gamblers into the casino.

Now in contrast, lets look at how my Father picked a game. He had no rules and was sucked into the first machine that grabbed his attention. In addition, he would choose regular slot machines which didnt allow for any strategies and would play machines that were in the middle of nowhere. Time after time he would lose all his money on these machines.

In trading you must pick your market wisely too. How do you do this? Only trade markets you can afford to trade and also make sure you understand all the rules and nuances of it.

Rule 4: Money management - Use a stop loss. In each new game I would start with the same $100.00 buy in which gave me 100 - $1 units. If I lost 30 units I would end the game and take a break.

Many traders have no set money management plan before they get into a trade and just wing it. You absolutely must know what your risk is before you enter the trade and use protective stops to protect your capital.

Rule 5: Getting a read on the game. I know from experience that when a machine is really hot I will be profitable practically right away and it will pay out often. These characteristics give me important clues to games that want to stay in until I hit my win target.

In trading what often happen is that when the trader is quickly profitable they get really excited and at the same time nervous. This is because they are so worried about losing all the time, that they get the overwhelming desire to get out of the trade and lock in some profit.

The problem with this is that they never ride the trade up far enough and to succeed at this game you have to fight the urge to bail out of a winning trade. You must learn to stick with a profitable trade so that you can lock in some big trades. It is the only way to succeed as it will make up for all your losses.

On the other hand, I would leave if the machine wasnt paying out quickly. Sometimes I would sit there for 15 minutes and keep winning a few and losing a few. After all this effort I would still not be above my starting buy-in amount.

This type of game was a sure sign that things were not going my way and probably wouldn\'t do so either. When I am in this situation I will walk away. When faced with this situation the average gambler will convince himself his luck will change. This is rarely the case as the casino usually gets the last laugh!

In my trading courses I teach that if a trade doesnt go your way within 5 bars it is more than likely going to turn into a loser. The reason is that there is no momentum. When you observe this type of market behavior then it is usually better to exit the trade and wait for a new setup.

Rule 6: Money management - Setting a stop win. When you are in Las Vegas everyone has the Las Vegas Mentality. They think that when they start winning that their luck will continue and they are going to get rich. This is exactly the stupidity that the casinos count on as they know the longer a gambler stays at the table the less likely the odds will stay in his/her favor.

It was interesting to watch my Father play as he has the Las Vegas Mentality and on many occasions he would have a nice profit and I would tell him to walk away. He would always say, Just a bit longer and I constantly watched him lose not only his profit but his entire buy-in amount as well.

When you trade you must have a Stop Win strategy. What this is is a pre-determined profit objective for you to exit at. For example it could be when you are up 5% or $200 or 15 points etc. It could be when the market hits a particular price level. For example, say you buy a stock at $10.00; you would tell yourself ahead of time that if it hits $11.00 then you are getting out. Your strategy cousl also be based on using a trailing stop.

You absolutely must decide what your Stop Win strategy is before you get into the trade!

My Stop Win strategy for the poker machines was 50 units. Anytime I was above this level I would simply cash out and take a break. For example, I got real lucky in one game and hit for 220 units on one hand and another time I hit for 1240 units. In each instance, I took the money and ran.

After 3 days in Las Vegas, it was interesting to see how I had a very profitable experience while my Father had the exact opposite. The only difference between us was that I had rules and he didnt.

Viva Las Vegas!!!

Dr. Jeffrey Wilde, a trading veteran with 16 years of experience is a trading coach to over 3500 traders in 63 countries. His new blog offers free trading articles, tips and advice.Cathee Blog91641
Atlante Blog24565

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